Sunday 22 April 2007


French elections' day and the winner will be seven years in office!

Saturday 21 April 2007

All so quick!

I've spent the last days in Cape Town, South Africa and I'm now in Maputo, Mozambique. I don't think this is much healthy, crossing continents in such a quick way. Of course, my environmental footprints went up really bad with those flights, but what can one do? Living in Germany with a job in Southern Africa?

Cape Town was sunny and beautiful. Maputo is warm. Lots of work ahead.

The view is from Elsie's Peak, in Fish Hoek, Cape Town. That was the day we saw a HUGE yellow and black snake crossing the path... and I went out of breath and paralyzed. Fortunately.

Saturday 14 April 2007


The weather is simply fun-tastic here! Picnic today along the River Rhein with friends. Trip to Cape Town on Monday where it is also sunny and cool. Pas mal.

Last week, a friend and I indulged in a visit to the Museum Koenig, with a natural history exhibition. Cool too. Picture shows the enlightenment.

Monday 9 April 2007


Viajamos na quinta-feira para Haehnlein-Alsbach, a pequena micro cidade onde Heike e Klaus moram. Agora que a Heike comprou um teatro, está trampando que nem louca. O show é muito bom. Tem uns apresentadores, dois, que são bem engraçados. Tem mágicos, dançarinos de rap, tipo robô, tem trapezista, uma gostosona chamada Andrea que faz um número super lindo no meio de uns panos pendurados no teto.

Voltamos ontem. Hoje estou aqui no trampo, preparando as coisas pro workshop que começa amanhã. Em uma semana, viagem para Cape Town. Nossa, quanto tempo! Desde Dezembro! De lá, para Moçambique até Maio. E assim vai...

Notícias do Zimbabwe são más, nada animadoras. Mas ainda tem tempo, vamos ver. O que é interessante é que vamos fazer house sitting quando chegarmos lá até meio de Setembro. Boa chance para procurar uma casa.

Thursday 5 April 2007

meanwhile, in the filholog...

So people, meanwhile, our filholog progresses. Davi, the READER, became Davi, the prospect ECONOMIST. Yes, he's got a place at the University - UNESP -, and we are all very happy for him. He also started working (slightly), teaching English on Saturdays. According to him, now he's a complete man: he's got a purpose, a job, a house and a partner. We do hope he does not complete it yet with a baby.

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Novo visual

Espero que vocês gostem do novo visual do blog e que usem a oportunidade para fazer parte da rede de colaboradores para o buscador "international development cooperation".

I hope you like the new layout of this blog and that you use the chance to collaborate with the new dedicated search engine "international development cooperation".